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Category: Belgium

Times visited: 1 (5 days in 2022)
Cities visited: Gent, Brussels and Liège
UNESCO sites visited: 4

I visited Belgium for the first time during a bus journey to Paris in 2012. I remember seeing the giant steel buildings of Brussels and thinking to myself that it lacks character. I didn’t remember anything else about Brussels or Belgium as a whole… Well, for my Easter holiday in 2022, it was finally time to visit Belgium for real.

I teamed up with a bunch of my favourite people and managed to visit three cities during our five days in the country. We slept in an old monastery in Gent, walked the historic streets of the city, found out that Brussels is much more than just ugly steel buildings, ate the most delicious vegan waffles, and fell in love with the city of Liège.

Our short visit gave me a desire to explore Belgium further. It’s a small country, but it has many historic cities and a rich and diverse cultural heritage!