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Greenland Monthly recaps

My September 2018: The move to Nuuk

September was the month that I moved abroad for the first time in my life. I moved to Greenland, a wonderfully cold country, where I am studying until the end of January!

Arriving in Greenland and moving in

On September 1st at 11.30 AM, I finally set foot on Greenlandic soil. I landed in Kangerlussuaq, where the biggest airport in the country is located, and there I had a five-hour stopover. I spent the time exploring the small village and getting used to the fresh Greenlandic air. I was already in love.

At 4.35 PM, it was time to head to Nuuk, the capital of the country, where I’m living. Per from the university met me at the airport and drove me to my new home in Blok 15, located close to the coast with the most beautiful view! I met my four new roommates, all coming from different countries and all extremely sweet.

The first few days were a blur. I had so much going on – getting to know everybody and settling into a new lifestyle, but I enjoyed every second of it, and felt completely happy with my decision to move here!

Adapting to vegan life

The day that I moved to Greenland was also the day that I decided to go fully vegan – no exceptions! I was worried that I would find it hard here, but it has actually been much easier than I thought it would be. At no point have I felt like going back to vegetarian, although I must admit that I miss cheese (violife is good, but not THAT good)! I plan on keeping it up forever, as I love the lives of animals much more than food.

Life in Nuuk

I can’t believe it has been over a month since I moved to Nuuk! I’ve experienced so much since, and I’ve settled into life here.

I’ve started at the university, where I’m taking courses in Greenlandic history, anthropology, museology and archival studies. I’m really enjoying being back at uni, and I especially love the history course! I also got myself a volunteer job at the National Museum of Greenland, where I’m now working 1-2 days a week. At the moment, I’m registrering and photographing finds from a Norse settlement in the South – so exciting!

Other than work and uni, I have a lot of free time, which I mostly spend with my new friends, and out and about! Nuuk has many beautiful nature spots to explore, and I enjoy hiking in the city, although I don’t feel like I’ve had time to do it enough (yet!). I’ve also started at a new sport – climbing! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that sooner, as it’s so much fun!! I go every Monday and Wednesday for two hours and it’s so good (and hard!).

A boat trip to the Narsap Sermia glacier

A few weeks into my stay here in Nuuk, I went on a sailing trip with some of the other exchange students. We sailed deep into the Nuuk Fjord, as far as possible actually, all the way to the Narsap Sermia glacier.

The weather was incredibly calm, giving us the most beautiful reflections of the icebergs in the still waters! On the way back, we had half an hour to explore the abandoned village of Qoornoq, which was also a great experience.

Fishing in the Nuuk Fjord

A vegan fishing? Yeah, I know. But seriously, I only went on the trip for the views… I had to look away when everyone else was fishing as I feel sad for the little fishies, but despite that (and the extreme cold!) it was a good trip, where we got to see a new part of the Nuuk Fjord near the remote Qooqqut Nuan restaurant.

A trip out to Kangeq and the Island of Hope

In the footsteps of Hans Egede, the first European settler on Greenland since the Norse, we explored both the now-abandoned village of Kangeq and Hans Egede’s old settlement at the Island of Hope.

A bunch of exchange students and I took a boat out there, first to Kangeq, where we were given an hour to explore all the run-down houses and the creepy graveyard. Afterwards, we sailed to the Island of Hope, where we saw the remains of Hans Egede’s house and went for a small hike on the rocky hills. And on the way back to Nuuk, we stopped by a shipwreck from the 90’s!

Going north towards Ilulissat

At the end of September, it was time to travel to a new place in Greenland – I was going to Ilulissat with three friends! We spent the last two days of September sailing with the Arctic Umiaq Line ferry along the West coast, stopping by small villages on the way. In Sisimiut, the second-largest village on Greenland, we had a two-hour stop, which we spent on exploring the beautiful place.

On September 30th at 3.30 PM, we finally arrived in Ilulissat, where our next adventure began. But more about that next month, as it began the next day, on October 1st!

Destinations visited in September 2018

  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Kangerlussuaq, Nuuk, Qoornoq, Kangeq, Island of Hope, Maniitsoq, Kangaamiut, Sisimiut, Aasiaat, Qeqertarsuaq and Ilulissat, Greenland


  • Moving to Nuuk and meeting my new roommates!
  • The decision to go vegan – one of my best decisions ever!
  • Seeing the Narsap Sermia glacier and the reflections of the icebergs.
  • Getting a job at the National Museum of Greenland!
  • Seeing the first northern lights here on September 16th, and the next night as well!
  • Discovering a new love for the climbing sport.
  • Hiking on the Island of Hope.
  • Exploring the beautiful village of Sisimiut.
  • Stepping foot on the Disko Island in Qeqertarsuaq.


  • The failed attempt to climb Mount Ukkusissat – too much ice defeated us!
  • Falling afsleep on a ferry in the wild Arctic ocean is near impossible, but I managed in the end.

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A picture of me from one of the first days in Nuuk!

Coming up in October 2018

Much more of Greenland!

October started in Ilulissat, where I had an amazing time hiking, sailing amongst iceberg, spotting humpback whales, cuddling Greenlandic dogs and watching sunsets and northern lights!

In a few days, I’m off on another trip, this time solo to South Greenland! That will (probably) be my last travel for a few months, as I’m running out of money, hehe! It’s not cheap to travel here!

The rest of the month will be spent in Nuuk, having fun with my friends, climbing, hiking, studying and working at the museum!



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