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March in eastern Europe: Romania and Albania

This month, I’ve got some super exciting travel plans coming up – I’m exploring two countries in a part of Europe that I haven’t been to before, Eastern Europe! This part of Europe has always been of great interest to me, but I’ve been saving it for years for an interrail trip that I have yet to do – maybe I’ll do that in the summer of 2018!

Still, when my mum and I were researching where to go for our annual mother/daughter trip, our choice fell on Romania. The flights and hotel were cheap, and the country has a lot to offer. We’re going there on a weekend trip, so we won’t be able to explore everything, but we’re going to spend an entire day sightseeing in Bucharest, the country’s exciting capital, and then hopefully a day in Transylvania, where we’re going to visit Bran Caste – the castle of Dracula, because you just simply can’t go to Romania and not visit Dracula’s castle!

We’re leaving in just two days, and I’m actually sitting on a bus, on my way home to Jutland right now, so I get to spend some quality time with my family before we go!

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The next country that I’m visiting this month is a rather exciting one – Albania, one of the least known countries in Europe! I have quite a few days off in March, and since I just got myself a new job at an open air museum (a dream job!), I decided to celebrate it by going travelling! The choice fell on Albania even though it wasn’t the cheapest option, but since there are no international train lines that connect Albania with the world, I wouldn’t be able to go there on an interrail trip anyways, so I decided that now would be the perfect time to fly down there and explore the country for a few days!

I’ll only have three full days and an evening, but I plan on travelling all the way from Tirana to Saranda and back up again, exploring interesting UNESCO sights on the way. I’ll make the most of my days, and if everything goes to plan, I should be able to see everything that I want and still enjoy it without rushing too much!
I’m flying into Tirana, Albania’s capital, but I hope I’ll be able to head down south already on my day of arrival. I’ve heard that it’s difficult to travel in Albania, mainly because of lack of infrastructure, but I’ll try my hardest to see everything on my list! If not, I’m sure Tirana will be able to keep me entertained throughout my stay!

It will be my first solo trip since travelling through Mongolia in April/May 2016!! It feels like aaaages ago, and I’m actually really excited to stand on my own feet again, and be able to see exactly what I want to see and do what I want to do!

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The countdown is on! 2 days until my mum and I are off to Romania, and 10 days until I go solo to Albania!




  • Ann

    Wow, wonderful plans, dear Mel, these two countries are beautiful, surely, you will find there a lot of interesting, looking forward to seeing your posts with your stunning photography! Enjoy, dear! Happy weekend!

    • Melissa Cherry

      I’m sure both countries will be really interesting! I’m glad you want to come with me on the trips 😀 have a lovely weekend!

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