The snow fell in Tasiilaq on October 20th. A long-awaited and joyous event. It was the perfect timing too as I’d just finished climbing all the mountains in close proximity to the town!
There had been a snowfall a week earlier, but it had melted again before I got a chance to hike in it. This time it fell on a Sunday and I had no plans, so I decided to go for (yet another) hike in the beautiful Flower Valley. I couldn’t wait to see it all covered in a beautiful blanket of snow.

I followed the marked trail through the valley, past the graveyard and the many half-frozen lakes to two small waterfalls deep in the valley. From there, I had to find my own way home as I couldn’t find the markings, but with the mountains as my wayfinders, I got home easily.
The trail through the Flower Valley is really short and takes just 1-2 hours to hike, depending on how many photo breaks you choose to take (and I always take a LOT!). I can now confirm that it’s a hike worth doing both in the late summer and in the winter after a heavy snowfall. My only wish now is to return in the spring or midsummer one year to see the flowers that gave the valley its name!

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