Summer this year in Denmark is hot and dry, but thankfully I’m not experiencing it too much as I’m off on travels throughout this summer – I’m as restless as always!
Back from Peru with food poisoning
After an amazing month of exploring and working at a pyramid in Peru, I arrived home on July 8th with food poisoning – not exactly the best way to start the rest of the summer. On the way home, Brandon and I had an eight-hour stopover in Toronto, where we had planned to explore the city, but I felt so sick that I couldn’t walk around much, so we just stayed in the city center. I felt bad for him, but I couldn’t do anything about it, unfortunately. Even when I got back home, I felt exhausted (probably because I hadn’t eaten for four days), but two days of work at The Land of Legends got me back on track and ready for a summer of fun!

A spontaneous trip to Tunbridge Wells
Two days after I came back from Peru, I flew off again, this time to England to see my Australian bestie Bethann. You see, Bethann and I hadn’t seen each other for 2,5 years, so when I found out she was coming to Europe this summer, I just knew I had to see her! It turned out that most of her stay in Europe was during my trip to Peru, so the only option was to visit her during her last week, which she spent in Tunbridge Wells, where her aunt Rebekah lives.
Rebekah, her son Cortice and adorable kittie Dakota welcomed me into their home with open arms. It was lovely to see Bethann again and get to know Rebekah, Cortice and little Dakota, who quickly found my bed (hehe!). I was only there for two days, but those were the most relaxing two days I’ve had all year. Bethann and I spent the days walking around the city and the afternoons and evenings chilling at home. It was perfect!

Athra Gathering 2018
Week 29 was all about Mesolithic living, as I attended the annual Athra Gathering at The Land of Legends, where Stone Age enthusiasts from all over the world gathered to live primitively, share knowledge and skills and just have fun while dressed in Stone Age inspired clothing!
I was there from Monday-Friday and had the time of my life! I especially loved the nights, where I slept under the stars with great friends! I was also there for a few days last year, but this year I was able to be there for the entire week and really get to know everyone, who I now can’t wait to see again next year at the gathering!
I took over 500 pictures that week and will do a post about it – so stay tuned!

Camping in the Faroe Islands
In just four days, my friend Amanda and I are off on a trip to the Faroe Islands, which you probably know by now is my favourite place on this planet (and probably the whole universe!). We will be spending 10 days camping, hitchhiking and trekking our way through the country, and of course attending the Olavsøka festivities, which will be my very first time!!
I can’t wait to meet up with old friends, make new friends and show Amanda the place where my heart belongs.

Moving away from Copenhagen
The day after I come back from the Faroes, on August 5th, my parents and younger brother are coming to Copenhagen to pick up my stuff, as I’m moving away! Living in Copenhagen for two years has been good, but I’ve found out that I’m not a city girl and I need nature around me all the time!
I’m going to write a post about this decision, as I’ve also decided that I’m not coming back again, despite me studying at the University of Copenhagen!
I’ve got a meeting in Copenhagen on August 6th, but afterwards I’ll go to Jutland for a few days, come back to Copenhagen to work for two days and then officially move out on the 13th! Exciting times.

Family time in England
On August 17th, I’m flying to England with my grandmother and younger brother to see the English side of my family in Thetford. My mother’s cousin Jason is getting married the next day, but afterwards we have no plans other than to relax, enjoy everything that Thetford has to offer and maybe do some day trips! I can’t wait to see my family again!

Excavation of a kitchen midden
When I come back from England, I’ll have a week in Jutland, where I’m going to catch up with friends and relax with my family. But I’m also doing something very exciting in North Jutland – I’m going to participate in excavating the biggest Danish kitchen midden from the Ertebølle Culture (5500-4000 BC) for a few days! This is a dream come true for me, as the Ertebølle Culture is my favourite archaeological period! You will definitely hear more about this adventure on this blog! 😉

Moving to Greenland!
Yes, you read it correctly – I’m MOVING to Greenland!!
I got the opportunity to study in Nuuk for a semester, so I’m moving there for five months on September 1st. I absolutely can’t wait to start a new life in a cold climate, hopefully make many new friends, attempt to learn a new language, explore the arctic and be close to nature every day!
I will also be writing a post about this move, where I explain my decision and what I’ll be doing on Greenland!

What an exciting summer this one is! How does your summer of 2018 look? I would love to hear all about it in the comments! <3
7 years agoRigtig god tur til Grønland- og husk vores vædemål;.
Melissa Cherry
7 years agoTusind tak – det skal jeg nok 😉
7 years agoOh, this is good that you don’t need to live in Copenhagen to finish your study! I bet you need to be closer to nature and that’s great!!
For some time I will be living in Hungary, but I am planning to move further as well. Everything depends on job possibilities. You know I fell in love with Switzerland, especially Alps (one of my books is devoted to it). I saw there perfect mountain villages where I’d like to settle down. It’s a very daring dream, but i want it. But i guess it won’t be so simple…
Thank you so much for your support, my dear Mel, you are so kind. I am not sure whether I am talented, have some doubts about it, but I do like writing, exploring and making videos. However, I have to work most of the time to pay bills, so it requires a lot of time…hope i won’t give up!
Melissa Cherry
7 years agoHungary sounds like fun – it’s a lovely country! If you dream of living in Switzerland, I think you should go for it! Afterall, we may only live once and we need to make that time worthwhile! 😀
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now – You’re very talented, trust me! You can do it! 😀
7 years agoOh my, what plans! So exciting to hear that you are moving to Greenland, I bet there will be the most exciting studying for you! Wow! I am so happy for you, my dear Mel. But you said that you won’t come back to Copenhagen, then how will you go on studying there? I envy you a bit, this summer I have to work in my office as I also have to move to Europe in autumn for some time, who knows? That’s why i have to finish all my business here to continue working on a distance. You know how much i love my country, but it seems destiny prepared for me the other plan. I am also going to publish my long-awaited book, only one technical step separates me from a big occasion in my life. It seems i cannot stop writing and have already started working on two new books. Am I crazy?