After exploring Vestmanna and Kvívik, Katrine, Sheena, Michelle and I drove to the tiny village of Æðuvík on the southern tip of Eysturoy. We wanted to make the most of our day together, and since we’re all big hiking lovers, it seemed only natural to go for a hike together.
The weather wasn’t treating us too well that day, so we decided to only go for a short hike. We drove as far as we could on Eysturoy, through Æðuvík and then stepped out of the car very close to the southern tip of the island.

From there, we walked for a mere 30 minutes out to the very end of Eysturoy, where several windmills are located. These are the windmills that you can always see from Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands,, so I’d seen them plenty of times, but I’d never actually been there before!
But…. When we got out there, we realized that we could’ve driven the entire way, as there was a road leading straight to the windmills. I don’t know how on earth we could’ve missed that, but it didn’t really matter, because we enjoyed the hike in itself.
We got a brilliant view of Tórshavn and an even better view of Nólsoy! I often see Nólsoy from Tórshavn, so it was funny to see it from another angle.
The weather changed a lot that day (welcome to the Faroe Islands), but that meant that it was rainbow time! We saw so many rainbows that I lost count in the end!
After the short hike, we drove to Toftavatn, a big park and lake area located right outside Runavík, where I’d been once before back in March 2015.
The place reminds me of the flat lava fields of Iceland. It’s one of my favourite places in the Faroe Islands because it’s so different from anything else you’d see in the country. In saying that, I don’t mean that everything else isn’t spectacular, because believe me when I say that it is, but it’s nice to get a change once in a while.
And those who say that the Faroe Islands can’t compare to Iceland, they haven’t been to places like Svartifoss, Varmakelda and Toftavatn. Faroe Islands may be extremely tiny compared to Iceland, but it has just as much to offer, if not more.
We walked around the lake, and then went back to the car, where we said our goodbyes and see-you-later’s to Sheena and Michelle, before hitchhiking back to Vestmanna, which was probably the best hitchhiking session we’d ever done – we changed cars four times, but were picked up straight away all four times – yay!
Visiting Sheena and Michelle’s blog,, and get inspired to travel in the beautiful Nordic countries (among others)!
Sheena Rasmussen
8 years agoDET ER JO OS :D:D:D Er simpelthen så glad for at vores veje endelig krydsede – det må der virkelig gerne være meget mere af! Du må love at holde os opdateret med dine Færø’-ture, så vi kan udforske meget mere af disse fantastiske øer sammen. Vi mangler jo alle stadig at besejre Slættaratindur 😉 NEXT TIME!
Melissa Cherry
8 years agoJaa, det er jer!! Dejlige jer 😉 Jeg var også rigtig glad for den ene dag, vi havde sammen på Færøerne, dem må vi bestemt have flere af! Jaa, åh Slætteratindur! Den dag, jeg ENDELIG får besteget den haha 😛 Jeg overvejer en tur her i efteråret/vinteren, hvis det var noget? 😉
8 years agoWow, a picture with rainbow is gorgeous, you are so skillful, dear Mel! I am curious about water animals any whales or dolphins?
Melissa Cherry
8 years agoThank you Ann, and I can only say the same back to you! There are whales in the waters around the Faroe Islands, but no dolphins. There aren’t any in Toftavatn though, just some fish 😀