Since I arrived on Svalbard on April 15th, I’ve had 24 hours of daylight, which has been amazing to experience and hasn’t even given me any problems with my sleep (then again, nothing does.. I can sleep whenever and wherever). Going to bed at midnight with the sun still shining bright and the sky as blue as 12 hours earlier is a strange sensation that is really hard to describe – you would have to experience it to fully understand it.
Since I arrived on Svalbard on April 15th, I’ve had 24 hours of daylight, which has been amazing to experience and hasn’t even given me any problems with my sleep (then again, nothing does.. I can sleep whenever and wherever). Going to bed at midnight with the sun still shining bright and the sky as blue as 12 hours earlier is a strange sensation that is really hard to describe – you would have to experience it to fully understand it.
I never really thought that the Midnight Sun would be such a magical and spectacular thing to see before I saw it with my own eyes. It’s well worth taking a trip to Svalbard simply to experience the Midnight Sun!
For my last night on Svalbard, I went down to the snowy beach at 23 PM, where I had a great view of the harbour, the town and the nearby mountains. Here, I watched the beautiful sunset, but went back to the apartment before sunrise, as I was really cold – it was definitely the coldest night that week -, but I still saw it from the window and it was definitely not disappointing. The sky was absolutely stunning with red, pink, orange and yellow colours all over. The mountains were all coloured pink by the sun and the sun itself was a bright orange. Never in my life have I seen the sun be this beautiful. I love normal sunsets as well, but this one beats them all. The Midnight Sun is something that everyone should get the chance to experience.
Here are some of my pictures from the most magical night on Svalbard!

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